
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Musing

image source
Calliope, bestowing words as your gift
We are blessed to be touched by such a muse
With voice of beauty and wisdom, you inspire and uplift

You visit dreams of poets with thoughts adrift
Daughter of Memory and of Father Zeus
Calliope, bestowing words as your gift

Created to lift sorrow and heal the rift
Conflict is quelled with words meant to defuse
With voice of beauty and wisdom, you inspire and uplift

One of nine dancing your praise in a shift
Crown on your head in golden hues
Calliope, bestowing words as your gift

But to your own art our thoughts now drift
Stylus in hand, what are your clues?
With voice of beauty and wisdom, you inspire and uplift

Blank is the tablet you always lift
Your words, offerings for we mortals to use
Calliope, bestowing words as your gift
With voice of beauty and wisdom, you inspire and uplift.

image source


hedgewitch said...

On the money here, lm--and some really nice lines in your villanelle--liked your third and fourth stanzas especially--and even better, two prompts with one poem. Nice work.

lynne said...

Calliope is a special one isn't she..

I agree with hedgewitch, some beautiful lines.

very lovely indeed..

Scarlet said...

Nice form and your repetitive lines are very good:

"Calliope, bestowing words as your gift
With voice of beauty and wisdom, you inspire and uplift."

Anonymous said...

Created to lift sorrow and heal the rift
Conflict is quelled with words meant to defuse
With voice of beauty and wisdom, you inspire and uplift

Lovely stanza in a fine tribute to the muse.

Brian Miller said...

nice....great use of form...and i am rather fond of the blessings she bestows on me...smiles.

Mary said...

Lovely work, and I enjoyed the repetitons and thinking about Calliope bestowing her gifts!

izzy said...

Really enjoyed the last stanza thanks!

Fireblossom said...

Really nice rhythm to this, and what a cool subject. Plus, I learned something about mythology, which i like to do.

And, dare I say...Calliope is lookin' good!

JustRex said...

She has always been kind to me. I've never really had much talent at anything else, but I've always had a way with words.

A very nice homage to a very nice goddess.

I'm sure She would be pleased.

Ann LeFlore said...

Calliope bestowing words as gift think this is how I feel with your words they were sent to you and you bestowed such lovely words in this poem

barbara said...

That the muse would have a blank tablet, having given her words away--interesting thought. Have to play with that some day.

Helen said...

Impressive ... words as gifts!

Jinksy said...

Couldn't be a better choice of subject for this jam! ♥

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Wonderful write, Lola. Very nice!


WyomingDiva said...

A lovely retelling of the muse!

Dave King said...

Wonderful stuff. Good old Calliope, you've really done her proud, and given us a fine read!

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

love it,

words are gifts when used properly.
Thanks for sharing.

Ed Pilolla said...

calliope is an interesting gal. the number nine is so mystical. you have a pitch-perfect voice here yourself for the subject.