You've heard of the Hulk and the Fantastic Four
The Norse God of Thunder with hammer is Thor
Superman's strong, and he flies - what a bore!
We hormonally challenged women need more!
We need a hero to fight for
our needs
One who is tough and who never concedes
Ladies, my efforts may just be last ditch
But I bring you our new hero now:
I am no Batman, I don't wear a cape
In sweatpants and robe I will make my escape
There had best be a phone booth to which I can dash
To rip it all off when I get a hot flash!
Iron Man's hands can shoot rays through bad guys
When I'm angry, I shoot rays right out of my eyes!
My glare is more scary than you've ever felt
And I have a scowl to make Iron Man melt!
Spiderman may climb the walls to attack
SUPERBITCH will climb all over your back
Aquaman swims and can hold his own breath
But I will hormonally rant you to death!
So bad guys, villains, jackwagons, take heed!
Before you engage in that next irksome deed
There's a new superhero, I'll say it again
Her name's
SUPERBITCH, and she needs estrogen!
submitted for
Poetry Potluck, Week 24