
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Narcissus's Granddaughter

The Revenant, , Andrew Wyeth
Like Narcissus enchanted with his reflection
you loved those in whom you saw yourself
lavishing them, me
with your affection
  withholding from those who 
did not mirror
what you wished to see
You were good to me
for you cherished that which
you valued
Even now
you come back to me
in dreams
You are a revenant
Do you return to see me
or to see yourself once more?


JustRex said...

You're so vain...
You probably think this poem's about you....

Now I go back to read it again and I can hear it in Carly Simons voice.

Brian Miller said...

great first two lines and love the wrap to it in the question there in the end...kinda sad to see these people honestly...

Trellissimo said...

Very observant - many people always look for themselves in others...

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Awesome writing. You get right to the core of the vain one.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

well done.

Ann LeFlore said...

so well done and love your comment about being vein and thinking it is about you.

ayala said...

Nicely done :) ...some great lines here.

Brandee Shafer said...

Interesting question. Gotta say: I hope you found someone who's all about you, not himself in you.

Tumblewords: said...

Well done!

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

nice lines? but i love the first two lines... it is always the question I have everytime I dream of my father?


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Beautiful and so true. Men are so transient. They must see with their eyes and not their hearts. Lovely, if a bit sad.


Helena said...

Lovely stuff! I often see myself in another - mind you, she is my identical twin!!

Sara said...

Wow. I liked this one! It's got a power punch in it. It's also true of people we meet in life who use us as their own mirrors.

Well said and well written!

Intelliblog said...

Beautiful take on this image, Lola. Great exposure of a pretender, for as Freud remarks:

"Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism."

Anonymous said...

Loved this, thank you.

Lucy Westenra said...

Perceptive view of the picture. He does look rather as if he accepts no criticism. Good Magpie.

Anonymous said...

excellent! fabulous ending!
dani ♥

Anonymous said...

A combination of power and grace on a subject that is prevalent these days, brilliant writing.


Helen said...

I had a long relationship with the person you describe ... wonderful Magpie!