
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Don't Forget Your Light

Don't Forget Your Light" by Sudlice at Deviant Art
Bare walls
Bare floors
Barely even here
Another place
Another name
Another empty year
Wasted time
Wasted tries
Wasted every night
Can't outrun
Can't stay here
Don't forget your light.

submitted for Midnight Snack, 1, at Poets United


Brian Miller said...

def tension in this one...the last line counter to the rest...alone can be painful...

Anonymous said...

you are such a quick talent. well done entry.

Unknown said...

Love the repetition, the glimpse without glare. Well done!

WyomingDiva said...

Loved it - very vivid!

Buddah Moskowitz said...

I liked this very much. - mosk

Lisa said...

Really enjoyed the flow.

Mary said...

I hear you! I feel the same way about light.

SandyCarlson said...

So sad. I know this feeling to which you give poignant word.

laurie kolp said...

Love this... thanks.

JustRex said...

Stark and right in your face. Love it.

Kerry O'Connor said...

This is a stark emotive piece.

Pearl said...

Oh, I love this lola!! "And don't forget your light"... I think I've lived this poem (perhaps even more than once...)


Maggie Patti Barbara Frankford-Walton said...

lovely reminder in your title.


invite you to share a Haiku or a poem of your choice to poets rally week 51 today.

a free verse or a haiku is welcome.

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