
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Family Photo

Image Credit: M. R. M. :http://my.opera.com/
Every year it's always the same
"Never again!" I swear
Perhaps someone different but someone to blame
Why do I bother to care?

I just want to have a little memento
Of our happy family days
But taking the picture brings me such torment-oh!
It puts me right into a craze!

First the weather looks fine with the sun in the sky
Then suddenly it starts to rain
As soon as it clears and we've all gotten dry
The little one's shirt has a stain!

Then there's the wiggly, fidgety ones
The ones who will never sit still
As soon as one sits down, another one runs
These brats are a test of my will.

And you just must see the facial contortions
That I have to view through my lens
Silly behavior beyond all proportions
And two of them baring rear ends!

A nice family photo is all that I seek
A picture of those I hold dear
But all that I have is frustration and pique
Perhaps I'll have more luck next year!


Marbles in My Pocket said...

Ha! This is wonderful, Lola! I love the image of the faces and other ends! Awesome entry and delightful use of the prompt!

Anonymous said...

Lola: I forgot to leave you a link to my Bluebell slam story!

Brian Miller said...

haha sounds like our family photos...not a big fan ofthem myself but i endure them...and no matching clothes please...

Fireblossom said...

So I guess having them all sit for an oil painting is out?

not displayed said...

Gave up on family photos when the boys became grotty teenagers. These days I just hope they stay facing the camera and don't scowl

Dave King said...

Fabulous fun, I chortled my way through it, deliriosly happY!

JustRex said...

Just do what my wife did. Take individual pics and photoshop them all together. It's more work, but less maddening.

MISH said...

Your poem has a distinct "feel-good" quality ...
one word for it ... priceless !

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

lovely family photo poem.

you are a quite talent, glad to see you share.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

beautiful humor and memories.

Anonymous said...

ahaha! the challenge of disciplining the whole clan! but it can be really fun -- chasing and shooting them! oops that's taking their pics :)

WyomingDiva said...

What a cute and positive take on the prompt - and a reminder of my own family's recent attempt at pictures. Ha.

The Orange Tree said...

childhood snapshots are of most innocent and beautiful.

lovely entry.

Unknown said...

Wonderful, I thoroughly enjoyed this piece :)

The Orange Tree said...

a most enjoyable read.

way to go.

e.a.s. demers said...

Oh, how very cute! I love this one :-)
So very true...