
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Open Sesame

image source
Five decades
She begins to arise
She stretches her stiff muscles
And yawns awake

I greet her warily
Like the sister I never had
And never knew I wanted

She is curry while I am raita
The yes to my no
The no to my yes
But more than this

She wears tacky jewelry
She paints her toenails midnight purple
She buys strange spices she can't pronounce
     and throws them in her potions
She dreams of kissing girls

Half a century
She slept
 The weight of obligation her blanket
Her eyelids tied shut with apron strings

She is a sesame pod
With the slightest touch
She will burst open
and explode

She is ready
I inhale her heady perfume

submitted for Theme Thursday


hyperCRYPTICal said...

Really good!

Anna :o]

Reflections said...

Wow... insatiable. Depth found beyond the long sleeping moments, blossoming into new flavors.

The Poet said...

Nicely done.

M. A. S. said...

I like the evolution of the relationship. And I REALLY LOVE "Her eyelids tied shut with apron strings."

Meryl said...

Great gripping post, I savored and rushed to read more at the same time.

Elaine said...

Had me wondering who "she" was. Loved it. Well done!

Anonymous said...

hmmm nice!!! ready to explode :)

Christine said...

She sounds like a free spirit to me, you've captured wonderful aromas with your words here.

Totalfeckineejit said...

That's brilliant, I love it!

Pete Goulding said...

A meticulously crafted poem - I was wondering who this 100 year old lesbian was! The stanza breaks work very well.

Enchanted Oak said...

This is a moving poem. I sense her arising in the pacing of the stanzas, until she ultimately arrives at the brink of explosion. Very nice work.

Brian Miller said...

the weight of obligation her blanket, wow...i like that...let her come forth...

Emerging Writer said...

Oh gosh I like this, the unbuttoning.

izzy said...

Wow- this is grand- flows really well! Thanks.