
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cherry Blossoms (For Dad)

When cherry blossoms bloom, I think of you
We walked the Tidal Basin, just us two
The April wind was messing up my hair
But that afternoon I didn't care
I was happy just to talk and see the view.

When snow begins to melt and spring is new
Purple crocus, robins, grass with dew
The kites rise up to meet clouds in the air
When cherry blossoms bloom.

When I was younger and my fears were few
On mountain roads on back your bike I flew
Now it seems those flowers are more rare
I close my eyes and offer up a prayer
Sometimes I wonder if you hear it too
When cherry blossoms bloom.

submitted for Poetry Jam, Inaugural, Birthday
also for Potluck Poetry, Color, Spring, and Rainbows, at Jingle Poetry
and Poetry Jam, Fathers


Pat Tillett said...

both the photo and words are beautiful and sad...

WyomingDiva said...

I always wonder if they 'hear it too'. Well written!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


love cheery blossom.

Helen said...

There will be 100% consensus, this is beautiful.

Pete Goulding said...

What a wonderful French rondeau, both poetically excellent and emotionally very strong. Just wondering is there a confusion of tense in Stanza 2? Rose should be rise? Not sure. But I love this.

NanU said...

Lovely, Lola.

Batteson.Ind said...

This has been very touching to read. Gorgeous words and sentiment.

The Bug said...

Lovely poem - I like the idea that cherry blossoms make you think of your dad.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful memory! There are so many good images in this. It's on my bucket list to get to DC for the cherry blossom festival - they are so beautiful and smell so good! :)

Bagman and Butler said...

Beautiful photo and poem...

Uma Anandane said...

lovely tribute to your daddy ...nice

Lolamouse said...

Thank you for pointing out the tense issue. I think I fixed it.

Doctor FTSE said...

A lovely tribute to your father. The first line of your third stanza is particularly perceptive.

Anonymous said...

check out short story slam and welcome your submission.

both you and your Dad are blessed.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow this gorgeous! I love Cherry Blossoms