Look at all the pretty pink ribbons!
Pink ribbons on shirts
Pink ribbon pins
Pink ribbons on caps to cover bald heads
Pretty pink ribbons for girls!
Pink ribbons on charm bracelets
Pink ribbons on necklaces
Pink ribbons on fingernails
Pink ribbons on the caps of pill bottles
Pink is such a pretty color!
Pink kitchen appliances
Pink cupcakes
Pink buckets of KFC
(doesn't obesity contribute to cancer?)
Pink scars
Pink ribbons are everywhere!
Say something enough
It becomes meaningless
Until it isn’t
Standing in a pink kitchen
Snacking on a chocolate dipped strawberry
Covered with pink ribbon sprinkles
We discuss the results of a biopsy
It’s not pretty and
It’s hard to swallow.

Obesity, BPAs, and toxic chemicals have all been linked to breast cancer. Think before you "Pink." Don't be pinkwashed by companies looking to make money off breast cancer.

Obesity, BPAs, and toxic chemicals have all been linked to breast cancer. Think before you "Pink." Don't be pinkwashed by companies looking to make money off breast cancer.
You're right. It's ridiculous to have toxins wrapped in pink. Ugh :(
This is a pet cause of mine, my maternal grandmother having died of it. Thanks for shining a light on those whose motives may not be the "purest".
By the way...a pretty package arrived in my mailbox today. I opened it, and I want you to know that I loved what was inside, Mucha. Er, I mean, muchly! Thank you so much for thinking of me.
ugh, that last bit there, it is a little hard to swallow...cancer has touched quite a few in my family...and as with shay i def dont think the motives are the best with each...
!!! Powerful statement!!! This just rocks.
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