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From Boris Hoppek's Tokyo exhibit "Ever" |
Is my skin glistening with
the luster of pearl?
Is my flesh fresh and firm?
And my scent
Is it clean and new?
I wish to be flawless, whole
when I offer myself to you, love
Then you will see
what competent and thorough work you do
when you tear me apart.
submitted for The Mag 101
Oh my...this hits so hard...To present oneself flawless, whole..so when destroyed by another he/she can see without doubt what they have done. Kudos to a great piece.
Ouch. How we work to be flawless only to be torn apart.
Good job on this.
Whoa! We should all lQQk inside ourselves and asses whether we have participated in this at one time or another.
Should be a song.
This is great on SO many levels .....
What an emotional piece... One can draw some conclusions on their relationship. Beautiful writing here ~
And yet we keep trying don't we?
oh dang...really nice twist in the end....wonder even then if they would see it...
Yikes. Love does hurt. Nicely done.
Yikes, girl. Good poem, but it must be made-up. I can't imagine feisty you presenting yourself this way.
Wow! Very powerful Magpie.
insta-fan? this guy
Love the 3 sense dimensions and ending with touch!
I like it.
That last line punches home.
Your poem captured my breath, the earnest words and the
last line - awesomely vulnerable.
Such a compelling few lines. Love, eh?
Unfortunately love does bite sometimes...
Yes, wonderful! My thoughts revolved around tearing and cutting and biting and eating - but all in the context of love!
agree with Lucy, what a punch
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