
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Edge

The Lonely Cry by Ken Simm
I live on the edge
between reality and dreams
Walking the balance beam
here to there
there to here
Where paradigms slam and crash
like hot and cold
into a storm of thoughts
I inhabit the borders
between in and out
Do not try to follow me
for even if you find me
I will remain


Christine said...

the edge of ones mind is a quiet place, I like this

J Cosmo Newbery said...

Sounds like a very determined, independent sort of mouse.

Rohit_blogger at http://floating-expressions.blogspot.in/ said...

This is quite different!and I liked it.rhythmically alluring.few words but far reaching impact.

Brian Miller said...

not a bad edge to walk on...reality and dream...def hard to keep balanced though...even the geese know solitary does not work...

Kerry O'Connor said...

Your thoughts took you in a very different direction: those last four lines are a real clincher! I love the wonderful word choice you have used in this piece.

Mary Ann Potter said...

Living on the edge, remaining solitary --- everything in this beautifully composed poem works together so well.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I LOVE this TOTALLY! It is beautifully expressed and I so relate to the sentiments. Fave lines: "I live...between reality and dreams"....."where paradigms crash"......and your final lines are my theme song. Oh heck, I just love the whole thing so much! And thanks for recognizing Pup in my poem.

JustRex said...

I pity those people who never even venture close enough to see the edge but spend all of their days safely in the flatlands.

Brian Miller said...

oprah is def not a stapple in our home...but i did watch the show on steven tyler as i was intrigued...and there was a great movie on her network called 'louder than a bomb'...a documentary on youth poetry...

Kara said...

I know exactly the place you write about, and I often visit there myself.

nene said...

Enjoyed your exposing your nature.
We all wish to be unique both in make up and contribution, some more malleable to paradigms.
I 'dare' day, an 'edge' is a good thing.

Nice, Lolamouse

Grace said...

I love this reflection... solitude is fitting for some who don't want live within the borders of in and out ~

Maude Lynn said...

"I inhabit the borders
between in and out."

I love that.

Brent Wescott said...

I suppose this is a good a poem as any to let you know I gave you an award over on my blog. It's the Zombie Rabbit award and I look forward to your poem about it.

Anonymous said...

This is very evocative. Brings me back to the moment I took the shot.

ayala said...

Nice write...I love the opening lines.

Ostensible Truth said...

oh how well this was done! loving the opening lines, evocative indeed! very well done, enjoyed lots!

Ed Pilolla said...

when we are with ourselves, the world can crowd at our door but we are not ready until we are ready. that edge is my home.

Anonymous said...

Haven't been around in awhile, then I come over here and am treated to two pieces, both wonderfully done, that provide quite an insight into the author....this one and "I,Mouse." You have captured the spirit of the solitary soul with hidden layers. Bravo! Vb

Lolamouse said...

versebender: Thank you so much and glad to see you back!