I was going to visit my kin
but Momma and Daddy got talkin' and then
I had to start thinkin' again.
They said that my Uncle Tim's store was a mess

that he was real deep in the red
He wouldn' stop counting his money and that
they thought he had just lost his head!

My poor sweet Cousin Barbara
was really just much too naive
She never would find a husband, they claimed
wearing her heart on her sleeve!

And Granny is having a case of the nerves
along with her dizzy spells
The family is trying not to upset her
and walking around on egg shells!

My cousin is dumb as a bag of rocks
so they say, bless his heart
and I really wanted to play with him
so much for my Cousin Bart!

I thought I might have a laugh or two
with my favorite Uncle Eugene
but Ma and Pa say that since his promotion
he's making the family green!

Now I really don't want to go visiting
Can't Momma and Daddy see that?
I'll sit in the car real quietly and
keep my tongue far away from the cat!
submitted for d'Verse Poets Pub, Poetics, Idioms
I see you've met my family!!! haha. Great poem.
You literalist.
haha....the green family made me giggle...and got me to thinking about how kids might interpret some of the things that we say...got some family stories for sure on the way with the holidays...
hey i dont see you linked in over at dverse...just fyi
Very, very cute--sounds just like how children would interpret these.
Hi, mousefriend. Well told tale, my dear. Nothing funnier than family, as so many of us can attest. Happy to be here again.
so cool...love the pics you posted with your words..and had to laugh out loud when i read your labels...haha
Oh, I see, Barbara's wearing her heart on her sleeve. I couldn't process the picture for a moment.
I used to misunderstand things like this all the time when I was a kid.
Cute poem.
It was great fun to read about the 'idiomatic family.' You chose cool pictures too!
Hee hee hee! That rotten cat!
What fun is your family..ha..ha... love the scenarios you painted here...happy sunday ~
haha oh another reason why I like to avoid family sometimes..haha and don't worry this cat will leave your tongue alone.
Ha! Green with envy or rollin' in the greenbacks... either way, a fun write that made me smile =)
Superb. You got just about all there was to get out of this. Really enjoyable.
love how you found all these picture to fit the text
Very amusing and whimsical! We've all got some of these folks (and others) in our families.
this is uplifting.
welcome sharing a random or relevant poetry with us today.
Brilliantly done and a great deal of fun. Fab images too.
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