
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Come On In, The Water's Fine

Photo courtesy of Matthew Saindon

Let's take a swim
In the waters of sin
Dip a toe in
That's how we'll begin
But then we'll submerge
Give in to each urge
As our bodies converge
In a heavenly surge
I'll pull you under
Head pounding like thunder
Ripping asunder
All that you wonder
And all that you knew
And did misconstrue
How you need to subdue
A love wicked and true
So come, let's get wet
And never forget
We need not abet
Any saints as of yet


Brian Miller said...

oo la la...now where did i put those trunks....

Fireblossom said...

Ha! You temptress.

Claudia said...

well.. dipping the toe in is certainly a good start...but then you need a lot of fresh water to cool down...smiles

Helen said...

Hope you have room for a lot of swimmers!!! This swimming in sin sounds like fun.

ayala said...

Let's take a swim in the water of sin....cool! Good one shot!

Karen said...

This is great fun! I love the rhyme and the way it wanders to that great punch at the end.

Margaret said...

..dip a toe in. It does start that way! Fun.

JustRex said...

You shouldn't say things like that unless you really mean it. (evil grin)

jabblog said...

This is a lovely invitation - how could anyone resist? Guilt comes later . . . maybe;-)

nene said...

Love the eroticism.

Laurie Kolp said...

Naughty, but nice... I like it!

Karen said...

"So come, let's get wet
And never forget
We need not abet
Any saints as of yet"

Wow! That may not be very articulate, but it's my real reaction!

Reggie said...

Lustful and sensual...well done!

The Bug said...

Love this! That's how sin is - you take one bite of chocolate & suddenly the whole tub of ice cream is gone (or was that just me last night?).

Sioux Roslawski said...

I love the simplicity of the line, "I'll pull you under..."

Enchanted Oak said...

Temptation is your strong suit. This is a jaunty, rhythmical ride deep into it.

Pete Goulding said...

I was an innocent youth at the start of the poem...

Lolamouse said...

Corrupting innocent youth is just one of my hobbies!

Titus said...

Eek! Wasn't expecting that at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Love the rhythmic urgency of the urging!

Mark said...

Wow! I'm ready! What a sexy poem.

Anonymous said...

"In the waters of sin..." it only got better from there! Sounds more like a hot tub to me!

I played this week for the first time. Hope you'll stop by: Free Fall.

Rachel Hoyt said...

Awesome poem! I think I embody the spirit of it sometimes... dragging my friends to party more, etc. :)