
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Pet Zombie

Although I have no idea what it is supposed to represent, I humbly accepted this Zombie Rabbit Award from Brent Wescott at Building Castles on the Beach.  Do check out Brent's blog. You will find a lively mix of  "stuff about fatherhood, teacherhood, musichood, writerhood, and other kinds of hood." You never know what the day's post may happen to be about, but you can be assured that it will be thought provoking, insightful, intelligent, and well-written. Thank you, Brent.

 In the spirit of Rabbit Zombiehood, I'd like to pass this award on to a few of my favorite blogs:
  • darev2005 at Attitude and Pepper Spray who can somehow make working in a prison extremely entertaining
  • Bryan M. White at Fabulous Atypical Ramblings of Nuclear Cheese, a group blog filled with utter nonsense, serious philosophical ponderings, crude jokes, silly photos, and just about anything else you can think of
  • Fireblossom at Shay's Word Garden who writes the most breathtakingly awesome poetry you'll ever read. She should be famous.


Brian Miller said...

that is one mighty fine award...

i will say shay usually likes hers with glitter...but zombified i am sure will work for her...smiles.

Fireblossom said...

*clutches roses, sob-smiling brightly at the judges*

Thank you! Thank you, I....thank you!!!!

In all sincerity, thank you for the award and for your very kind words about my poetry, friend Mouse!

JustRex said...

(grins) I was really hoping someone would give me one of these. They are so cool! Thanks!

Mimi Foxmorton said...

Hip! Hip! HUZZAH!

(and I'm actually kind of jealous!)

Bryan White said...

Snagged my award! Thanks again.

Pat Tillett said...

Congrats to you and to those you awarded...