
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Sunday, April 17, 2011

High Tide

According to Uma, poet extraordinaire at Inside My Poem Book
Palindromes are words or phrases that reads the same in both directions (forward and backward). Examples : LEVEL,MADAM, RACECAR etc.Similarly a Palindrome poetry is the one which uses the beauty of Palindrome in Poetry.

There are three different ways to write Palindrome poems,namely

  1. Word Palindrome :- It can be read backwards, with the same words
  2. Mirrored Palindrome :-Here the words are reads the same forwards and backwards by letter and it is more difficult to write one
  3. Line Palindrome  :- in which the individual lines of a text make a palindromic sequence ,that is, which reads forwards and backwards, by lines.
Uma's Poetry Challenge is to write a Palindrome Poem. Yeesh! Here's mine:

High Tide

Stroking the sand to velvet smoothness
Ocean waters rise
Sun worshippers pull back blankets
Drying wet toes
High tide
Drying wet toes
Sun worshippers pull back blankets
Ocean waters rise
Stroking the sand to velvet smoothness

image source

submitted for Experimenting With Poetry Forms, Palindrome Poetry


Madeleine Begun Kane said...

Nice palindrome poem!

And thanks so much for your contribution to my latest Limerick-Off. I always enjoy your verse.

The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said...

Wow, you did it.. I am still working on mine.. :( And I am not too sure if I can really get it out.. :(

The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said...

Mine is finally out.. Here is my link.. :) http://www.tingtasy.com/2011/04/collections-of-tings-poetry-tp25-it.html