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Warm and playful
Cute and smart
Quick and clever
You steal what you need
and hoard what’s left
Ingenious little bandit
Ingenious little bandit
Even the most impenetrable heart
Opens to your love bites
Scornful of dalliance
Scornful of dalliance
You tear it apart
Scatter the scraps
and dash off
submitted for Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, Fireblossom Friday, FB Joins a Convent in which FB asks us to write a poem which DOES NOT reflect our true feelings (I detest the psychotic squirrels that steal our hummingbird nectar and that nested in my attic last year!)
I can understand why you hate them if you had them in your attic. They are so destructive.
Great poem.
Aw! They look so cute from far!
That song's been in my head since I read the challenge. It probably radiated from here where you objectively dissect and brutally paint the sweet and mighty backstabber.
Squirries! Now look here, Ms. Mouse, you better try to get along with other rodents, y'hear? :-P
Like a lot of people, when I first heard that song "Lies", I thought it was the Beatles.
what!?! i love squirrels...no way this can be a lie....i love to watch them off the porch....they are so playful...
OMG! Your poem resurrected a memory I thought I'd buried ... had a citrus rat who took up residence in my Florida garage. Squirrels, rats, mice, etc .. all bad news!!
OMG-my Mother had a few get in her roof...what a horror~ Cute from way far away....
Well done!
My Mom calls them rats with tails...
I am impressed with the way you wrote such a caring poem about this creature you don't like.
I suppose I could have sung the praises of a 'box elder bug' which annoys he heck out of me.
awwww! poor little squirrels! {if i'm lyin' i'm dyin'}
haven't heard that song in aaaages!
Ooohhh, squirrels. I thought you were talking about children or politicians. (grin)
hah, i generally feel that way about squirrels, too, but in recent years i've become fond of our yard squirrels. i guess i'm softening with age :)
rats with good PR
that's all squirrels are...
We call those "squirrels" around here.
(Because they're so "squirrely")
I'm laughing because I read your poem earlier and didnt see the disclaimer, hadnt come across Fireblossom's prompt yet - I tactfully did not comment and went away wondering why you had suddenly changed so much.......back again to tell you you really aced this challenge! You had me convinced.
!! I can't decide which is worse, squirrels or mice. I have to say, though, I enjoy watching squirrels... but have never enjoyed watching mice. (sorry:)
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