
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Sunday, July 20, 2014

This Poem Is Red Lipstick, Schrodinger's Cat, and Dandelion Fluff

This poem is red lipstick.
This poem is Schrodinger's cat.
This poem is dandelion fluff.

Crimson lipped attention-grabber
Painted patterer
Beautiful emptiness
Nothing to say but
oh so lovely
This poem is red lipstick.

Perhaps it's here
Perhaps it's not
Maybe it lives
Maybe it dies
Study it; it changes
This poem is a metaphor
This poem is Schrodinger's cat.

Breathe and it's gone
Its seeds planted everywhere
or nowhere
Catch it on the wind
or blow it away
This poem is dandelion fluff.

This poem is red lipstick.
This poem is Schrodinger's cat.
This poem is dandelion fluff.

submitted for Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, Hannah's Sunday Mini-Challenge, Boomerang Metaphor Poems


Helen said...

What a delightful poem!

Susie Clevenger said...

I love each line of what this poem is..beautiful creativity

Sumana Roy said...

it's really a delight to read..love the expression 'beautiful emptiness' ....

Hannah said...

I love the here nor there feeling...that balance between deep meaning and nothing...I think lots of things tend to do that in life, it's all about perspective, I believe.

I think you did an excellent job with this...I love the items you chose to express with!

Excellent work thank you for writing!! :)

Kerry O'Connor said...

Each stanza offers an excellent analogy of what poetry can be at times. And kudos for including Schrödinger's cat!

Fireblossom said...

I like this! But I'm sad you skipped Fireblossom Friday. *cries*