
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Monday, January 26, 2015

Nature Bestows Strength

Nature bestows strength on her children
Sometimes, we listen to the quietest voice
and the delicate flower is the most tenacious

Every living thing strives toward growth
Struggles to survive even the unsurvivable
Nature bestows strength on her children

Within the grinding chaos and nattering chatter
A breeze whispers through spring grasses 
Sometimes, we listen to the quietest voice

Storms bring down the grandest oak
A lone blossom pushes through a littered sidewalk toward the sun
The delicate flower is the most tenacious.

submitted for Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, Play It Again Toads #13, Hedgewitch's Cascade Challenge


Maude Lynn said...

Beautifully done!

Grace said...

The strength of nature is amazing ~ Love this refrain: The delicate flower is the most tenacious.

Anonymous said...

What Grace said and this : "A breeze whispers through spring grasses Sometimes, we listen to the quietest voice"

Gail said...

The strength of nature...


Margaret said...

As little as I write them, I do really admire a form poem. Well done, and I specifically am drawn to the last stanza.

brudberg said...

The strength of the flower is amazing

Other Mary said...

Your subject and lines work especially well for this form.