
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Black Out Poetry: The Heart

The heart
may be
presenting only

Its nature-
tangled masses of
deeply buried
ground fresh
through time

submitted for Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, Tuesday Platform (though inspired by a prompt I missed at dVerse Poets Pub about black out poetry!) I used one of my husband's outdated pathology books for this one!


brudberg said...

First.. I admire the use of source for inspiration.. very good to use a book like that, there is of course some sickness in the way a heart is hurting (and hopefully mending) but usually not reasons of pathology... well done on the prompt :-)

SuyashJ said...

love the last lines

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to have such a really emotional sort of poem--or one describing the heart on an emotional level, come from the pathology book--very cool--definitely the black out page should be displayed with the poem. (As you've done.) Thanks, K.

Helen said...

Nice, Mouse ~~ very nice!

Kerry O'Connor said...

I'm always excited by black out poetry - so interesting to see a poem take shape from a backdrop of prose.

Hannah said...

Love the progression of the heart - transformation. Nicely done.

Magaly Guerrero said...

The heart can be quite wild, indeed!

Unknown said...

I love the form that you used for this poem because it enhances the message so much more than if it were written in bulk. Good work here! Loved it.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

All the more impressive, that this poem came from a pathology book! Very cool write.

Herotomost said...

Wow...I have never heard of blackout poetry, that is really cool. I can't believe how well a message came about in my mind after reading that and then to learn how it was made was pretty amazing. Great job!

Maude Lynn said...

This is really cool!

Ella said...

I love your poem! Your black out rocked the course of love-alright!
Bravo, Lolamouse~

Archer's Bones said...

I love that you pulled this from words in a pathology textbook. Very appropriate with the topic, very cool.