
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Night I Fell

The night I fell
the snow sparkled like stars-
swinging from tree limbs,
dancing on the frozen earth
The air was cold
but the wind held her breath
as you kissed me
under the winking moon
Later, great gulps of hot chocolate
warmed our lips and throats
The dark December night
embraced us
as we embraced each other,
skin on skin.

submitted for Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, Kerry Says, "Let's Include Pathetic Fallacy"


Hannah said...

I love the way you employed this...taking note as mine ended up too personified...great lines to do it in too the wind holding her breath and December's embrace...lovely!

Susan said...

I see her delight and even the air sizzling with it.

Jim said...

You did really fine 'neath the winking moon. At least for Kerry's prompt. For your life also?
I have fallen both ways, literally and romantically. And I have scars and worse from each.

Vandana Sharma said...

A passionate love filled poem:)

Kerry O'Connor said...

This is so romantic, and such special moments do seem to have an impact greater than just ourselves.. surely the heavens must move?

Sumana Roy said...

ah a flow of sweetness and i adore the winking moon :D

Helen said...

Dear Mouse, you have painted quite an image here ... nice!!

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeously romantic!

Anonymous said...

This sounds more or less like the best first moment ever! Beautiful and such amazing use of the prompt!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

This is so wonderfully romantic! Sigh.

Margaret said...

Winking moon. The moon goes from haunting in some poems to romantic in a snap. :) Lovely poem.

hedgewitch said...

A very lyrical mood piece, LM, where nature and speaker are one. I definitely saw sparkle out of the corner of my eye.

Anonymous said...

luscious ~

Jinksy said...

Hot chocolate is a must when a December night hugs us...

Preeti S. said...

This is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. One of the best romantic poems I have read in an entire week! :D