
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

December Sun (a collaboration w/Peggy Goetz)

The following post appears today, 1/29 in the Imaginary Garden With Real Toads poetry site. I wrote this Haiki in collaboration with Peggy Goetz, a fellow poet.

Thanks so much Peggy!

photo source

December sun
peeks through gray smiling
for late roses damp with dew

Petals of faded velvet
recall their glory days

She stands at the window
remembering, sighs
as soup pot boils over

Red cardinal alights
upon rusted sled

Scarlet melody wakes
summer memories
lovers walk entwined

Hearts naked dancing
with electric hunger

Fingertips buzzing
Each touch a playful sting,
kindling sleeping skin

August blaze lingers as owl
moon lights dark eastern sky

Silent, wolf moon stalks
owl among stars 
Plaintive howls in the snow

Soon pups will play in spring bright
dales as all begins again.

by lolamouse and Peggy Goetz


Brian Miller said...

spring will be here soon enough wont it...i rather like the next to last very with the wolf moon...good job ladies...

Pat Tillett said...

Good job! That's a lot of work...