
Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. Leonard Cohen

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lullaby for the Lost

No funeral
No flowers
Put it out with medical waste
No tears
No prayers
Sympathy is for the chaste
No one's bringing you a casserole
No one's sending you a card
You caused yourself this grief, this sadness
Now no one cares if it is hard.

No right to mourn
Carry the scorn
Your choice, so you said
Time to move on
Glad that it's gone
Flush it away, it's dead
Your dirty little secret
You kept it sterile, clean
No name for your lost baby
The one that could've been.


Bryan White said...

*woof* This is a rough one. I'll be checking back to see the comments that come rolling in.

Anonymous said...

Ah, so sad - and this is indeed a taboo subject for many. Well done.

BB said...

This is very moving. I have never had to go through this and cannot imagine what a woman must feel like if she does.

Brian Miller said...

oy...we should not turn our backs on our shun our children who find themselves in adult situations....hurts my stomach...

Maude Lynn said...

Hard hitting piece. You did a beautiful job with it.

Fireblossom said...

The whole thing is heartbreaking, but it was the "no name for your lost baby" that got to me the most. :***(

Sheila said...

tough topic you tackled with great artistry. I admire your courage here.

seasideauthor said...

Serious subject and very well expressed write.

Scarlet said...

a taboo topic, i agree. very chilling to read, yet it is a reality we all too often ignore.

Sharon Rose Thomas said...

You did a really good write here with an intense
subject matter. You met the challenge.


Christine said...

To walk a mile in someone else's shoes, very taboo for sure.

Anonymous said...

wasn't expecting the ending... surprise!

JustRex said...

Ouch. That slapped me upside the head. Like a car accident happening in slow motion, I could see it coming and just couldn't look away.


Anonymous said...

A wonderful, sensitive way of dealing with such a taboo subject. Ideally, we should all be able to speak of these things freely, because there's a lot of pain buried in a lot of people.

I've been there. It hurts like hell. And you put that feeling into words perfectly.

The Noiseless Cuckooclock said...

that's an option indeed,

in real life situation, easier said than done of course.

love the powerful word flow,

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! That is so powerful. You are really good at putting emotions into words. No matter which side of the politics a person is on, this poem deals with the tragedy of it all...

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Oh so such a sad write Lolamouse - unable to mourn for a lost one when the choice has been set by circumstances.

Anna :o]